Deck the Halls…and welcome the guests

Christmas in our house is about spending time with family and friends and we certainly see a lot of both over the course of the holidays. If your family is the same way why not take advantage of this opportunity to show off all those songs you’ve been learning all year.
To make things interesting I am going to add some incentive to perform.
I have 3 iTunes gift cards and I am going to raffle them off for my students.
To enter the draw you need to :
1) print off the Signature Sheet
2) perform any of the songs you have learned this year for someone.(Yes, on Skype or over the telephone counts)
3) have that person sign the sheet. (or sign it for them if they are long distance)
For each signature you will get one ballot in the draw!
Bring the sheet back to your first class in January and we will put all of your ballots in the box.
You are welcome to print out as many signature sheets as you need.
Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
– Andrea
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